Thursday, April 14, 2011

yoga to the janice!

ahhhh! the life of beans is a simple one. the complexity of my schedule is whats gets me though. i catch myself apologizing for my leaves of absence on flavorless beans all too often so instead of going through the ordeal of bullcrap excuses, lets just catch up!

i have recently undergone some sort of enlightenment of the mind that i, myself am still unsure how to explain. my heart aches. the type of ache that i thought could never be healed. as days, weeks and months pass, i realize how much more i need and miss....................................him with me. i've consumed my daily life with activities to keep me busy. from school to work to the gym, i have been able to keep my mind off this never ending ache. i have come to realize that instead of filling my schedule with empty activities to run away from this pain, i need to come to terms with it (with myself, really).

a friend of mine (my favorite mexican, miss nere, ofcourse) invited me a couple of months back to a yoga class with her. and since ive been attempting to drop a pound or two or 12, i went in the hopes it would help me lose weight. what i took away became much more than inches off my waist. my breathing and the connection between my body and mind has been strengthen and has resulted in a more peaceful beans. the ache is there and will forever be a part of me, but i feel closer to him and in return have become one with myself again which relieves some of the pain associated with him leaving me.

it helps that the place ive been going to is AMAZING. the name of the practice is power vinyasa at a chain of studios named YOGA TO THE PEOPLE. it is a donation based teaching with locations in the east village area, midtown and now brooklyn! the vibe is so relaxed and the teachers are phenomenal. i definitely recommend it to anyone whether you need a great workout or in for a mentally soothing experience. check out the link for more info!



all bodies rise!

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