Sunday, December 20, 2009

fuggs (the 'fuck uggs' movement)


you just gotta love nyc. theres not a day that goes by where i dont see someone or something that leaves my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. theres one fashion statement catching my eye time and time again. male uggs? ::SHAKING MY HEAD, SHAKING MY HEAD, SHAKING MY HEAD::: guys, this is not cool. like at all. i dont care how bitterly cold the weather is and if it's causing all your toes to fall off. uggs are a definite NO. no one should wear footwear that looks like socks. socks are socks. uggs shouldnt even be acceptable for the ladies. i woulda let it slide in 2007, but come on, toss the uggs and start a newly sour-tasting trend (sorry to rain on the parade, but the 80 bucks could be better spent on booze or something. at least that will guarantee some more appealing to the male species with an added squint, ofcourse) guys, whatever happened to the classic winter foot-wear? beef & brocs? constructs? any of which will keep your feet both warm and dry ::sigh:: simplicity is key! i guess i'm just a 1990s soul living in the wrong decade.

for the record, these are not cool either.

neither are these.

i apologize for what probably sounds like complaining and crying, but it's just so annoying how the ugliest (and not to mention corniest) shit gets deemed cool and everyone hops on the bandwagon to cop. originality, people! please use protection and use originality wisely. that is all. (for now) please walk responsibly.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

MARCH 5TH 2010

omgggg i dont think ive been this excited about anything since i found out crust-less bread was sold by the loaf. deadass. to say this is a must-see is an understatement. johnny depp? tim burton? classic. edward scissorhands-kind-of-classic. come away with me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

a mean shoe game? lets talk about it.

juicy couture birdie booties retail for $274





fuck it. stuff makes me happy.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


i know i've said this before on more than one occasion. i guess some ppl didnt get the memo. WTF, man?! there's nothing i hate more than ppl telling me whats good for me. try this on for size: JANICE knows whats good for HER. deadass. so stop. i dont wanna fuckin hear it. you wanna see crazy? i'll show you fuckin crazy.

that is all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

21st Annual NYC Cares Coat Drive


i've been looking at things from a very different perspective lately and saw an advertisement on the subway a few days ago. i took it as a sign. as fucked up as i think my life may be, truth of the matter is, a lot of people have it way worse. complaining never created change. action creates change. so from now through december 31st, i want to be part of a change movement (i was so meant to live during the 70s when the youth stood for something lol). PLEASE join me, many of the other generous new yorkers and donate your gently used coats. instead of leaving them to collect dust in the back of your closets, why not help someone keep warm this winter? it's easy.

weekdays, 7am to 9:30am, drop them off at:
-42nd street grand central terminal
-times square port authority bus terminal
-34th street penn station

next? i'm thinking of passing by a health clinic before my dec 26 month-long trip to ecuador to pick up as many free condoms as i can get my hands on. i'm planning on giving them out not only to guys, but girls as well in the streets of ecuador. sadly, condoms in ecuador are a luxury and not many can afford them hence why several of my 14 year old cousins living out there are already parents. i dont even want to think about how many teenagers are out there walking around with STD's as well (smh) shits are free here!!! thats crazy. ecuador, like many other latin american countries, preaches abstinence rather than safe sex. clearly, its not working. so, the rebel that i am and always have been, will be taking it upon myself to (try) and change that. although, i may get looked at wrong or even get rocks thrown at me (as my dad commented when i told him about this idea lol) i'm really looking forward to doing this. if i get at least 1 person practicing safe sex, it will be worth it.


"i'm jay guevara with bling on" :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

vitamins for kids?

E pills with the image of our dear president, Barack Obama, have hit the streets. this is not a hoax, folks. a stash of these were found in the back of a truck driver's van during a routine Texas traffic stop. "The drugs look like a 'vitamin for kids' police spokesman," Lenny Sanchez, said. LMAO imagine though? "here billy, take your vitamins to make you super happy and super hyper" lol i'm not gonna lie. i kinda wanna swallow barack. ha.


i, in no way whatsoever, condone drug abuse. enjoy responsibly, guys.
check out: know what you're taking.

kid cudi in max "wild things" costume

this is why, this man right here leaves me speechless <3

juvenile criminal personality study?

"From very early, the oxygen of the criminal's life is to seek excitement by doing the forbidden."-Stanton Samenow

my mind is brainstorming so many ideas as to what i want to focus my main research/experimental study on upon graduation in may 2010. i'm a forensic psychology major with a concentration in juvenile delinquency at john jay college of criminal justice and it has always been an interest of mine to figure out why some juveniles commit crime and others do not. i want to go deeper than the superficial reasons of the "bad influences" excuse or the "i'm from a poor neighborhood and had no other means" bandwagon. there has to be more. there just has to be. can crime be linked to individuals that share specific personality traits? hmmmm after researching yochelson and samenow's rehabilitating criminals work, i've been inspired. whats the correlation of those personality trait sharing juveniles and substance abuse? my mind is just running wild with so many theories.

well, as interesting as this is to me, i'm sure not everyone shares this same passion. so i'll stop with the snore fest.
(back to our scheduled programming)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

on sunday morning

ppl who have never always ask "what does it feel like?" i can only answer one way. "its like randomly meeting your soulmate, falling in love within a day and then waking up the next day and realizing it was all a dream." its beautiful. but its destruction. i feel like shit.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

substance(s) in the place of popularity

welcome. this is enemy of the state. its a love story.
because i feel my fans really have love for me ;) ;) ;)


chukka lows? good god! forget the gum. its tasteless in comparison. its all about simplicity and that sole red pinstripe does it for me.


im a fuckin asshole in every sense of the word. lmao. i laugh at others expense. ::shruggs:: then again, who's fault is it that you're in the predicament you're in? its not mine. so i take that asshole remark back. i laugh when laughter is enthused.

"she wants me to disappear as if its gonna do shit for her"
-j hov, "i call him j hov because his flow is religious" ;)
he said it. not me.

and as always,
there is absolutely no pun intended, no double meaning and no underlying implications. ha.

"tiddy bear"

::SHAKING MY HEAD:: people just don't know what to come up with nowadays. seriously. but i kinda want one. just to say i have one. lol

boiled frog theory

...throw a frog in a pot of boiling water to cook him, he will immediately jump out and try to escape. put the same frog in a pot of lukewarm water and then bring it up to boiling slowly with him in it, he will swim on without noticing the change until he's cooked to death.

"ehhh, what's up, doc?"

peep it! peep it!


wow. beans, has truly been left speechless. i said it once, i'll say it again: white guys have heat! and they do it oh so RIGHT. there's nothing sexier than a basic v neck, skinny jeans and a pair of OG true red 8's. less is always more, guys. always. to say i caught an orgasm (or two) from the train ride from 59th street to 169th is an UNDERstatement. for your viewing pleasure: enjoy. i sure as hell did.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


WTF is a "full moon"? vampires and ware-wolves out in the day playing baseball?! smh and after that can someone please explain to me WTF a taylorswift is? (because i still dont know) can you order it on ebay for me?

...that is all.

Monday, November 23, 2009

more l.o.v.e


black bathtub? AND the city that just keeps on lovin'? oh dear, dear! maybe that will get her to bathe (on a regular basis, ofcourse) ...if it's black she wont see herself soaking in dirty water. just her style. ring me up for two, please!

doll, just doll.

now my personal style does not consist of anything dangling that low from my ear lobes but WOW! can i say: want!? want!? want!? they're just doll! and they'll be mine in 3 to 6 business days =D opinions are definitely expected with these!



brushed my teeth twice this morning so i wouldn't have to do it again tomorrow ;)

hype never tasted so good

ok, ok, ok. i know, i know, i know. the g-shock hype has gotton way outta control. every side-kickin' high schooler has one. it got to the point where you can buy one for as cheap as $50! i had to retire both of mine actually (but like my daddy, hov: it gets hungry for more and i just find the need to WOW my audiences by bringing it out every now and then) so with that being said:

....the blueprint 3 of g-shocks lol and beauty if i ever saw it. note the gold hardware. wow. LIMITED EDITION, looks good on me. what do you think? and retails for $170?! eso se llama amor!


courtesy of

::opens eyes real wide::

if you're gonna do "all black, everything" why not do it RIGHT?


180 is my new favorite number

Sunday, November 22, 2009

pork fried rice i dont know why this made me smile today. (ok, i lie. i do know why) and it doesnt have anything to do with some super deep anthropological, enculturation theory. simply put: there's now one less, lost, asian, tourist asking me for directions upon seeing this sign.


i'm a lover of all pork fried rice, egg rolls and chee-ken weeng so please, PLEASE no one take offense to this or any future postings ;)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


my professor asked me to leave his class due to the constant attention i give my "cellular device" over class lectures. he asked what so important that couldnt wait until the end of class. i was actually catching up on my daily dose of FML stories. thank god for the iPhone FML app ::shakes head:: lol


Thursday, October 22, 2009

green lipstick

oh my dear, dear alanis! 
green lips? is it like: YOU MAKE ME SICK, MOTHERFUCKER!? 
oh, the irony! i dig it.

...and as always, no pun intended 

(yea right).

Monday, October 19, 2009

where the fuck did all these yankee "fans" sprout from?! deadass. all this "go yankees" "rah! rah! rah!" bullcrap tastes so bitterly sour! let me get this straight, its titled "love" for all you bronx bombers fanatics to ignore your team all season long because i didnt hear any of this "lets make a human pyramid for a-rod" back in May and now all of a sudden woo-fucking-hoo a chance to the world series and yankee fans start shooting out more than tee-shirts at sporting events. i feel bad for the players, honestly. smile and upload your pics, guys! oh and 27 rings? ...i guess thats cool. i mean if you're into labels.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

are we ditching our j's for boat shoes?

i understand the concept of fashion and i understand the concept of changing times and i even understand the concept of growing up but i'm just not in full understanding of this whole dumping our rags for riches nonsense... its like, really? come on. are we just selling out?! is this whole fad to be "cool and trendy" just completely overlooking where we are from?! i am the bronx. i am bodegas. i am quarter waters. i am 25cent chips. i am the chicken spot with the free orange-crush soda. i am white-on-white uptowns. i am $2.50 40s. BUT....boat shoes? wine? caviar? hmmm i JUST dunno if i'm with that. deadass. think twice, ppl. who we are says A LOT about where we come from and i'm just not ashamed. like at all.


apt 32, we thank you much.
sperry, its all love.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

magic left speechless once again. you think youre a fan or you think you know the power and magic that your favorite artists' music impacts on you and your life, BUT (as corny as it may sound) i had no idea until i saw mr.lupe fiasco live at governor's island on September 19th. performance of 'daydreaming' ?! wow. i was left speechless. food & liquor contending to be added to one of the books of the bible? ...he's definitely preachin the truth, why not?


currently listening to: kid cudi's man on the moon
if you havent already, you're slackin

and yourself?

...was introduced to a caballero today. 

"hi. i'm janice. it's a pleasure"

(oh and i'm a compulsive liar)

...was asked: what my “type” was.

::releases head and leaks a couple of smiles:: 

(how to respond? with the truth? or a truth?) 

well i suppose,  

someone with flat emotional reactions.

someone with an inability to give affection.

someone with superficial feelings.

someone with a disregard for the truth.

no. that just wont do.

"tall, dark, and handsome, i suppose. 

and yourself?"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

...counting down the days

december 26. destination? guayaquil, ecuador.



how is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world i never knew?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

friendly game?

ecuador 0 jamaica 0
friendly game? waste of money. enjoyable waste of time lol


only 2 jamaicans in the stadium:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

no sleep 'till brooklyn

the scheduled headliners for the All Points West festival, Beastie Boys, had a last minute cancellation due to group member, Adam Yauch's surgery date for a recently found cancer tumor in his neck. Despite the horrible news, JAY-Z the replacement for the dynamic trio put on a phenomenal show following such acts like the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs and Vampire Weekend. He opened the show with his own rendition to the the beastie boys, "no sleep 'till brooklyn" and classics such as "can i live" were among my favorites, but everyone was WOWed with new material from his upcoming BLUEPRINT 3! a Michael Jackson tribute and audience shout outs (a guy in a tie-dye shirt lol) made it an unforgettable show to say the least:

ezra koenig of vampire weekend
karen-o of yeah yeah yeahs
and ofcourse after the rain, after the henney, impatiently waiting: the infamous blackbeans

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


in true nyc fashion, there always seems to be a summer anthem that takes the city by storm. it's that one song that is heard everywhere from the club to car stereos to family bbq's to block parties. a song that blows up so big that we're embarrassed to admit we've memorized all the lyrics word for word. they quickly become a must-hear inspite of its corny nature. like many summer anthems before it, (the infamous "thong song" for example) this summer hit of '09 will definitely leave you with a lasting impression. so as I'm sure most of you have heard, (unless you been living under a rock for the past couple of months as I was until I hit the club scene) 'pepe, pepe' is the new craze in the streets today. If you're walking through washington heights, you just can't avoid the catchy pepe hook or the self proclaimed pepe dance so dont be embarrassed to admit, you have become part of the movement! ...and so without further ado, for your enjoyment....

taste responsibly!


As I'm sure, all you fellow subway riders have noticed, the mta along with the rest of the world has taken up a surprising "green," "lets recycle," "I hug trees" attitude. as most of you know, i personally, am the number 1 spokesperson to promote love for mother nature and all her habitants. with that being said, i was super distraught when i saw the nonsense the gestapo (lol)was trying to brainwash me with. On the E train one morning (and since the early bird catches the worm and I indeed had an appetite for destruction at the crack of dawn) I began to read all the advertisements in the car.

"Get online, not in line"
See and pay your bills online. Save time, paper, postage and trees. Go green with e*bill. Sign up at
("Hmmm, interesting" I said to myself) I continued to read on...

"Stay safe"
If you smell gas, leave the area at once and call 1-800-75-coned.
("Good to know")

"Kid power"
Turn them on to our cool kids' web site at
("A little odd, no?")

"Keeping things cool"
Open refrigerator and freezer doors only when necessary. AND choose efficient Energy Star appliances.

As I re-read the ConEd signs that wall-papered the train car, I asked myself: "am i looking too much into these advertisements? hey, maybe they just want the people to be aware and take necessary precautions to help conserve energy." hmmm I then reached for my flask (joke!) and started thinking about all the money these companies are probably making by promoting all this 'save the whales' bullshit. who hasnt fallen victim to the launch of the reusable canvas bag? let me get this straight: instead of using plastic or paper bags that are probably worth less than a penny each, im being suckered into paying a whole lot more on a canvas bag with a catchy quote, something like "you can kiss my canvas" that by using is going to save the ozone layer? uhhhh? riiiiiight. i dunno man.i really just dont know. it just doesnt make sense to me: "save energy by buying my product" how is that progress?